The Capacity of Cahan Tobacco International is 9 bln sticks/year. Currently, the product portfolio of CTI includes 8 cigarette brands, 3 Formats and 80 SKUs.

Want family includes 4 varities of nano-sized cigarettes as Nano Black, Nano Blue, Nano Silver and Nano White with mono acetate and dual charcoal filters.Want Line X
The Want Line X brand family includes 3 varieties in nano format: Nano Red, Nano Blue, Nano Gold, compact format Line X Q-tech Compact Red, Line X Q-tech Compact Blue and Includes products from the "Click" series.

Keno Club
The Keno Club family produces 4 different assortments: King Size, Nano, Metallic series and Nano Click with 3 different taste capsule filters. In total, the Keno Club family includes 10 types of products.Fine
Fine family includes an Ultimate experience alongside with White Touch in the local market. It also includes «Fine Sunset» in foreign markets. Ultimate and Sunset are both in nano and king sizes.